Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Summer Vacation!

Well, I have been home from college for 11 days now and the weather is finally starting to feel like summer!  Last Friday morning it actually snowed here but today we enjoyed 85 degree weather on the boat!  I guess that's just how Illinois is....

Last Monday I had the wonderful opportunity to meet my cooperating teacher for the 2014-2015 school year, see the school I'll be working in, and meet the former interns who student taught this past year.  I will be working in a 3rd grade dual language classroom next year and am very excited!  My cooperating teacher seems really great, too.

This coming fall I will be helping my CT set up the classroom in the beginning of August, attend institute meetings, and aid my CT with the third graders Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday for six weeks.  Then I help another teacher at another school (1st grade) Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday for six weeks.  After that, I return to the first 3rd grade class, where I take over as a student teacher following winter break until graduation.  On Thursdays and Fridays during the first semester I will be taking classes at the district office.

I'm really looking forward to relaxing this summer and prepping for the year to come.  There is not a whole lot I can do, since I won't be really teaching, but I'm reading some books along the way.

These are some books I just got yesterday from my library:

Teach Like Your Hair's on Fire: The Methods and Madness Inside Room 56, by Rafe Esquith 

Teach Like a Champion: 49 Techniques that Put Students on the Path to College, by Dough Lemov

Everywhere all the Time: A New Deschooling Reader, edited by Matt Hern

In Brown's Wake: Legacies of America's Educational Landmark, by Martha Minow

Feel free to visit my goodreads account, as well, to find out what I'm interested in reading.

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