Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Classroom Setup Day 1!

Today I met with my cooperating teacher (and her daughter) to help her set up the classroom where I'll be spending Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays for the next several weeks!  It was great to see her again and see how she had the room set up.  We spent the time organizing her extensive classroom library--hooray for literacy!

Next week I have my internship orientation on Monday, working in the classroom again on Tuesday and Wednesday, and then I shadow my CT for institute days on Thursday and Friday.

And then...the first day of school next Monday!

And at the same time, I'm so nervous...

Well, I've been spending my free time gathering as many resources as I can, improving my Spanish skills, and trying to sleep off this horrible cold I've got!

Here's to a great last week of summer!

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