Thursday, August 22, 2013

Fall 2013 Week 1 Almost Complete!

Well, I'm almost done with my first week of my senior year of classes! It's been a very odd week, but I am excited about the upcoming coursework so far. My professors are really knowledgeable, helpful, and enthusiastic, which is such a blessing.

This semester I am taking a literacy class, two TESOL classes, a math class, and a bilingual education class. My bilingual education class is a once-a-week, 3-hour night class that starts tonight, so I am still waiting to see what that holds for me. What I am loving so far is the way everything seems to be coming together at last. In the past, all my classes have been incredibly knowledge-based and theoretical. Now I am getting the opportunity to actually apply what I have learned to real-life clinical experiences and hypothetical classroom experiences. I think I only have one exam this semester--the rest are all projects. This is exciting because although I like studying for tests because I have learned how to "play the game," it means my coursework is more applicable now, not something that can be assessed simply by papers and tests.

One thing that is challenging for me in particular this semester is the reading and responses I have to do. A goal of mine this semester is to really interact with my readings so that I can benefit the most from them. Several of my classes require a weekly "reading response" assignment, which will help me to interact more with the texts. However, some of this stuff is really dry and I am having a lot of trouble relating to it. I am hoping to use this blog as a way for me to discuss my assigned readings and other experiences I encounter along the way. Hopefully, maintaining this blog will further my understanding of and interaction with my classes so I can really gain the most of them.

I am off to my math class now. Syllabus day was on Tuesday, so we are jumping right in to coursework today. Very excited to see where this goes!

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