Saturday, August 10, 2013

Summer Volunteering

This summer is basically over now--I'm moving back in to my college apartment on Monday, which means I've got today and tomorrow left of summer, then a week before classes start! I'm so excited though.

This summer has been pretty average, but I actually learned a lot. I worked an immense amount of hours at my restaurant job, sometimes working 7 days in a row. After a major freak-out one night when it was extremely busy, I decided serving is not for me and I began my search for a new job. Unfortunately, I had zero luck with that. However, I did get a lot a lot a lot better at my job and I feel more comfortable with it! 

I also was going to volunteer for a few weeks at the end of the summer in a school in Yucatán, Mexico, but after a conversation with my mom, we decided it wasn't the best idea. Another way I could increase my Spanish language skills for my fluency test was by getting involved in the Hispanic community right here in my area. So I volunteered at a preschool that worked with bilingual students. The application process was a crazy few WEEKS (including 4 letters of recommendation, a TB test, a background check and fingerprinting, and getting lost in the city trying to find my orientation location...), but it turned out to be really fun anyway!

I loved getting to meet the kids and get to know them. I loved speaking Spanish with them and learning about their families. I loved reading to them and even disciplining them when they weren't following directions. Although I loved working with all of them, I grew to really, really like about 8 or 9 of the kids. I hope I get to see them again when I start my student teaching next year (they will be in kindergarten and first grade by then)!

This is the card they made me, too!

I was excited it was my last day because the days I spent volunteering there were extremely long days for me (usually waking up at 6, leaving at 7, getting there at 8, coming home at 1:30, work at 3, getting home at 9 or so). But this card made me realize how strongly I feel that I am pursuing the best profession! What other job leads 20 kids to write a thank-you note?! (I know it wasn't their idea, but still!) 

I even taught the kids a lesson yesterday, kind of on the spot. I figured a connect-the-dots activity would be perfect for them and they were learning about oceans, so I stayed up late the night before, printing out 25 sheets of connect-the-dots activities. I worked with 5 of the kids. They all had a copy of the same picture, which included numbers 1-40. Together, we walked through the numbers in order, using the number line on the wall as a reference, and when they were done they colored the pictures. Soon other students wanted to join, so I picked on the students who were done to explain the activity and number order to the new friends. In the end, we whispered the number line as an assessment. It was great!

I had some worthwhile learning experiences this summer and I cannot wait to go back to school and use what I've learned! Thanks for reading and take care!


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